19:30 – 22:45
Eat dinner fast and early –
The party at Pachanga
awaits you!
20:00 – 22:30
Eat dinner fast and early – The party at Pachanga awaits you!
The music sets the mood, cocktails are being shaken and the atmosphere is magnetic. It’s the ultimate house party, in a gigantic living room filled with people who want to have a good time. It doesn’t matter whether you have eaten dinner. Because when you see all the tasty food being carried out you won’t be able to resist – lobster rolls, a seafood ceviche, some chips and guacamole.
It’s the combination of food, music and the pool that makes Pachanga a unique experience. Oh, yes. The fact that you are swimming 100 meters in the air with a stunning panorama view may also have something to do with it…!
Nu går det fint att boka denna upplevelse (utan övernattning) med ankomst f.r.o.m 2 november 2022.
Priset är från195 sek/p. och inkluderar en lättare frukost. Teamet i Jacy’z reception hjälper er hitta upp till Pachanga där ni får låna morgonrock och tofflor och kan byta om.